Wednesday, February 19, 2014

It Pays to be Faithful!

The closer I get to returning to work, the harder I kick and the louder I scream. I know the inevitable is just around the corner and I'm still naively thinking that somehow money will come raining down from the sky and I'll be able to stay at home with my baby and collect the "drops" each day so my husband won't question how food will appear on our table. My money rain idea may be naive, but my faith in God is not. Do I want to go back to work? No. Do I want to do His will before mine? Yes. This verse came to mind earlier today as I was reflecting on the study from church this past Sunday evening. Our Pastor was using it in his study of financial responsibilities, but I love that this verse can be applied to pretty much anything in life. It is with each small step, that we show God our desire to do His work and heed to His calling. Some of these situations may not be what we envision for our life, but since when do we get to make those choices?

I have so many friends who get to stay home with their children. So many opportunities to be jealous of their lives. To be envious of THEIR calling on THEIR life. Has the Lord not heard my prayer? Has He not seen my tears? Of course He has! And He promises to see me through! He has called each of us to something different. He has given each of us different talents and gifts. And He created each of us for a unique purpose. What my SAHM friends are able to do each day, I am not. What I am able to do each day, they are not. But we can all be successful and accomplish so much if we surrender to what the Lord has called us to do.

Trusting God is easy when things are easy. It is in times that are more difficult, that we truly get to put our words into action. Trust becomes not just something that is talked about, but is lived out each day. And the bible says that if we are faithful in the small things, we will be faithful in the big things. God knows I yearn to be with my daughter each day. And in spite of that, He has called me to work to show my faithfulness to Him. He's given me an opportunity each day to wake up and say, "Okay Lord, where do you want me today? Who do you want me to talk to? How can I express your love to others?" Faithfulness. It's hard! But it promises to be rewarding.

I encourage you to see beyond your present circumstances and ask God to reveal to you His plan and how you can learn to be faithful in the small things first-it will take you many places!

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